
Box Car Movie Night

Summer 2016 was a busy one for the parking lot at Grant’s Service Centre! We partnered up with the Palmerston Agricultural Society to make Palmerston Fair weekend even more fun. Grant set up a movie screen and projector and a free movie was shown on the Saturday night. Lots of families from our community showed off their creative box car creations and set up for an evening outside. There were lots of prizes to be had as well as a movie must..... POPCORN! The event was a great success and will be a must for Summer 2017.

Gifts For Kids!

This holiday season, we ran our fourth annual Gifts for Kids Program and we could not be more proud of our community for the support they have shown this initiative. In 2016, we ran our program for the month of November and adopted 19 families and had hundreds of gifts! This year saw many businesses and community organizations fulfilling the needs of entire families, as well as our fabulous Municipal Office and the local Minto Fire Department who continue to go above and beyond for our community. The remaining gifts are placed on our tree where generous members of our community always ensure that no gift goes unpurchased!
Through the Wellington County Adopt-a-Family program, we are given the name, age and wish list of a child in need as well as notes from the parents regarding things the child may need. Recently, we have started adopting entire families, which ensures that on top of gettnig gifts to open, each member of the family receives $25 in Grocery Store gift cards to ensure that their kitchen is stocked for the holidays. By working with our local Childrens Foundation and Adopt -a-Family Programs, we are able to ensure that all children in our community have the chance to open a gift on Christmas morning. Here in Minto, we go one better and each child in our program gets 3 or more gifts for the holidays, as well as food for their household.
Hope to see you in November to pick your ornament off of the tree!

Empower Pose Yoga Night

Grant’s Service Centre held its first Empower Pose Yoga event on Wednesday July 6th. Ninety five women threw down their mats and enjoyed an hour of Power yoga followed by an hour of Restorative yoga, taught by local studios. Each attendee received a swag bag, yoga tee, and complimentary smoothie. Of course what kind of women’s night would it be if there wasn’t an opportunity to socialize and shop! There were vendors set up outside to show off their fabulous wares after the yoga was complete. Thanks to these fabulous Minto Ladies Grant’s Service Centre was thrilled to be able to donate $1000 to the Palmerston Hospital Foundation. Our first attempt was such a huge success we can’t wait for what Summer 2017 brings! Stay tuned